LAWSGROUP always takes a “people-first” approach. We believe that our employees are our most valuable asset. Therefore, we are committed to providing training and development opportunities for our employee. With a view to instilling a corporate culture advocating the importance of manpower training and development, LAWSGROUP participated in the Manpower Developer (MD) Award Scheme* organized by the Employee Retraining Board (ERB) for 2016-18.
After reviewing and evaluating the effectiveness of our strategies and practices in manpower training and development in accordance with a set of objective and stringent assessment criteria established by the independent Technical Consultant, LAWSGROUP was awarded the status of MD with a two-year validity period in May 2016 in recognition of our efforts in training and developing our employees.
LAWSGROUP’s HR Director Miko Cheung received the award on stage at the ERB Manpower Developer Award Presentation Ceremony 2016.
*The MD Award Scheme was launched by ERB in 2009 to recognize organizations which have demonstrated outstanding achievements in manpower training and development.